A wise person once said that everyone wants a long life, but no one wants to get old. Yet it happens. Maturity may bring certain rewards, but it can also bring challenges, such as missing teeth. At Blaisdell Family Dentistry in Boise, we restore missing teeth with dental implants.
Dental Implants Are The Restoration Of Choice
Dental implants are titanium posts that are placed in the jaw, where they fuse with the bone. Titanium is well-suited to implants and rejection is rare. One implant can support one artificial tooth, while several can support a dental bridge or dentures.
Dental implants help active seniors look as young as they feel. They are strong, beautiful, and function like real teeth. Restore the youthful smile you once enjoyed with permanent tooth implants.
Avoid Denture Drawbacks
Avoid denture disadvantages: embarrassing slipping, limited taste, and gum irritation. Dental implants are not just for youthful smiles, they keep your facial shape intact by maintaining jawbone structure.
To find out more, please call us at Blaisdell Family Dentistry in Boise. Services include dental implants and implant-supported dentures. Schedule an appointment today!
Contact Blaisdell Family Dentistry:
Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):
8877 W Hackamore Dr
Boise, Idaho